Sometimes Social media may feel like a death carousel, and you just can’t stomach the constant notifications. You just want off. From the constant banter between political big wigs on twitter, your friend’s live feeds…
Behavioral and emotional problems in children below the age of 12 are common. Parents over the past years have scored myriad of parenting books in a bid to understand the various behavioral and emotional issues…
Do you remember life before the internet? The tryst lovers made in restaurants, research done from books, the letters and pen pals sent daily at the post office? Life was a whole lot different unlike…
There are images I could not get out of my mind after going through an article on how a mother punished her children by blasting their iPhone with a rifle and crushing it with a…
So, the first thing you do after getting up is log into your Facebook/Twitter/Myspace/Friendster/Orkut account? and it’s also the last thing you do before going to bed, your work, studies and chores take a back…
The very first thing you do when you wake up is reach for your phone (always by the side of your bed, in fact — usually under your pillow) and check how many times your…