SEO Tips To Keep You Above The Niche During This COVID-19 Pandemic.

With everything that is happening around the world, finding the right approach to get your business in front of the right audience is crucially important. The COVID-19 pandemic has really hit the world and has led to most countries being on lockdown, crippling most businesses. And as we all follow the directives given by the government to keep us safe from the virus, we only hope the spread of the virus will be contained sooner rather than later. I literally can’t wait for life to get back to normal.

As you try to figure out how you will get your business back on track after the COVID-19, I would like to emphasize on the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your business. If you are new to this subject, buckle up, I am about to open your eyes to a world of opportunities.

According to Google, SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results by a search engine. This basically means that when an individual searches for a product you offer, e.g stylish shoes, you will appear on the first page of search results if you have a good SEO score. Being high on the results list will give you access to a lot of potential clients who are actively looking for your products or services. And since most internet users like fast and quick results, your website will most likely get a click if you appear on the first page of the search engine results. And the best part, you won’t have to spend a dime on it.

SEO is often taken as a crazy algorithm that only professionals can hack. But I want to make it simple for you in these six tips. These tips will guide you on the best way to make SEO work for your business and website.

Learn How Search Engine works

You can only successfully hack a subject if you truly understand its basics and how it works. SEO is just like mathematics if you don’t understand it you can’t get the best results. You can learn these basics from blogs on the internet, they are hugely available.

Stay Up To Date With Keyword Search

Let’s say you are in the business of shoe production. Once you know what people are searching for- maybe the best running shoes or stylish shoes -you can optimize your content and offerings to better match what they are looking for. This can be done by writing weekly blogs on different shoes available.

QUICK FACT: The work of SEO is never over, this is because trends change every day, users change their behavior and search engines evolve over time. Your job is to consider how changes will impact your site and what you need to do to continue to attract unpaid (organic) traffic.

Keep an eye on changes and monitor how they affect your website.

Search engines are often making changes to improve their users’ experience on mobile search results and it is for your best interest for your website to keep up with the changes.

Find inspiration from other websites.

It is always a good idea to check on your competition. It will give you an insight into some things you haven’t been doing right and give you ideas on things to incorporate on your own website. But just make sure you adopt practices that will work for your business.

Set SEO Goals

Goals are important if you want to see results, especially in SEO. With the right goals, you can track your performance and better understand what is working for you. Once your goals are clear and you have tracking tools in place, you’re well on your way to success with SEO.

Talk to your customers.

Customers have the best insights on what content is missing on your site, features that are needed or products they are looking for. And the way customers describe your business can be a form of keyword search- they are likely to use those words on search. You can incorporate that on your next blog.

The SEO process is that simple just understand what visitors want, then create and share the content they’re searching.

We are all encouraged to practice social distancing and stay at home. As we stay at home, you can make your business and website more visible by using SEO. Why SEO? Because people are always searching for things on the internet and what better way to grab their attention than now when they are at home.

P/s: We offer SEO services for businesses and brands. Call us on 0790 505298 today.



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