In the world of today having the ability to think outside the box and being innovative is the only way an individual can maneuver unemployment. In Kenya, there are over 5.2 million young adults unemployed and thousands facing the cruel reality of being laid off work. The only solution that remains is embracing the challenges of unemployment and taking up entrepreneurship.
David Nene knew gaining employment was going to be a challenge once he finished pursuing his undergraduate degree at Kenyatta University. He then decided to follow his father’s footsteps in becoming an entrepreneur. And on his final year at Kenyatta University he founded Advernet Arica.
Check out our interview with the very vibrant and ambitious startup entrepreneur.
What’s your name and could you share a little about what you do?
My name is David Nene , founder and content coordinator Advernet Africa. I recently completed my undergraduate degree in Economics and Sociology and awaiting graduation in December 2019. I have skills in technology with certifications in Cisco, visual basic and currently pursuing python programming language.
I champion for the sustainable development goals and a member of various youth groups trying to bring change in the community.
How did you get the concept of your business Advernet Africa?
Having an entrepreneurial mindset, I took a look at the problems facing entrepreneurs and I took it as an opportunity to do business.
What services does Advent Africa offer?

Working on trend and content management services.
Did you always know you would be an entrepreneur? What motivated you?
Yes, I knew one day I will start something to do with technology since primary school.
My dad is my motivation, he is a businessman and has never been employed, only contracts.
Did you ever think about getting into employment?
Yes, sometime back I started applying for jobs online. I sent over 20 applications and none was successful. Of course I wasn’t shocked; the rate of unemployment in Kenya is very high. So I had to rethink my strategy.
When did you “chatter” the business?
The idea came about in February 2019, the business is still a startup with just a small revenue margin.
What’s unique about your business?
The uniqueness in my business is synergy (working together as a team), flatness (reducing hierarchy levels in terms of management) and flexibility (working from home).
What are some of the challenges you have faced in starting up your business?
The major challenge so far, is getting a hold of qualified professionals.
What are the most valuable skills you have learned in your entrepreneurial journey?
>Entrepreneurship is a mindset
>Be fast and innovative since new day, new technology
>Consistency is key
>Be passionate to learn from others’ experiences
What’s your biggest success story so far?
My biggest success is being alive thanks to God, finishing my undergraduate, bringing positive change to the community and also having the opportunity to network with great change makers in Kenya and globally.
Do you find what you do fulfilling?
Yes, it’s a solution to a problem.
How do you plan to expand your business?
I plan to expand my business through learning more entrepreneur skills, pitching for sponsorships, research, innovation and also partnerships.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 year?
In the next five years my business will be on another great level God willing. I am also aspiring to be a great leader and bring positive change to the society for a better world.
What advice would you give to a young entrepreneur who is just starting out?
There is hope!
David Nene is a man of few words, but he goes to prove that success is through actions and not words. He is definitely a young entrepreneur worth watching out for.
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