Three Modern Child Prodigies Filling Up Some Huge Technology Shoes

Child Prodigies in Technology

Many of us struggle making it through school especially through some complex subjects like mathematics and sciences. However there are some child prodigies who are born with an innate ability to excel in medicine, sports, science and arts that is simply just mesmerizing.

In the technology sector, child prodigies are becoming more common as permeability of new technology into the society increases and more and more children are getting exposed to technology at a very early age. From building social networks to creating shared economy platforms. These youngsters are revolutionizing the digital scene and, controlling the way we live and they are getting very rich for it.

While child prodigies appear intimidating and unusual to the average person, these exceptional children when identified, recognized and given a chance to achieve their highest potential can go on to do amazing things that can improve many aspects of humanity.  Today we will take a look at three of the youngest tech prodigies in the   modern world and some of their greatest technological achievements to the society.

Anvitha Vijay  – 11 years

This talented young lady made her first appearance at the 2016 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference( WWDC) is 2016. Miss Vijay who is off Indian descent  and hails from Australia started coding when she was only Nine years old a. While girls her age were busy playing house with their dolls, she created an app concept which gave her first paycheck of $10,000. From the praise and encouragement she received from programmers, she went ahead and created her famous iPad/iPod App, The smartkins animal App.

Smartkins Animal App Is a learning app for children that shows different animals in rapid succession along with their respective animal sounds. It helps stimulate right brain learning .The other app she created was Smartkins rainbow app which uses colors to help children colors through different colored animated monsters.

Tanmay Bakshi  – 14 years

This young man probably wears many more hats at such a tender age than most of us ever get to wear in a lifetime.  He is a computer programmer, artificial intelligence expert and an all-round tech extraordinaire. At such an early age, he has developed multiple apps, published a book, hosted a TEDx Talk show and even spoken at IBM summits around the world.

This tech genius grabbed the attention of the world in one of the IBM summits at age 11 but started coding at age 5 years old! He had a little help from his father who is a computer programmer but most of his skills were honed by ploughing through books and the internet. He then set out a YouTube channel where he posted tutorials on coding and development, receiving thousands of questions from fascinated programmers worldwide. Mr. Bakshi is currently partnering up with IBM for AI machine learning. His expertise in AI has already garnered him praise and has even received the knowledge Ambassador award from King of Dubai Mohammad bin Rashid Foundation.

Michael Royzen  – 18 years

Michael Royzen got an early start on learning how to write code when he was young. At age 8 years, he created a simple website in Microsoft FrontPage.  He dabbled in HTML, python and scratch for a few years and by the time he was 12 years old he was fully versed in Objective –C, the official language for coding iOS apps. At age 17, this teenager is a full-fledged software developer and entrepreneur who founded and serves as CEO of his own company, Mlab technologies Inc,  which designs, develop and markets consumer software for Apple platforms.

He started off by making platform based shooting games that got several thousand downloads without marketing. He however changed his focus to making apps that make everyday tasks easier for consumers. One of his latest and perhaps most impressive innovation in April 2018 is his SmartLens app.

SmartLens relies on multiple convolutional neural networks, and Royzen said that running them offline allows for significantly faster recognition times than cloud-based models. The app can recognize exactly 17,527 objects offline — anything from furniture to obscure animals. Royzen built the app himself, including the neural networks, interface design, icons and more, and friends helped him test it and offered advice on its interface.



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