No New Year’s Resolutions For Me This Time Round

So , many of us are guilty of failing to accomplish our New Year’s resolutions year in year out. First, I agree it’s a good thing to come up with a list of things that you feel you either need to drop in the ending year or need to improve on in the coming year. But until we act on the list, it just remains…a list. And yet we continue to make these resolutions hoping that it will be different the following year. Unfortunately, the only thing that’s really different is the year. I have been asking myself if I am the only one who lacks the guts to see through the things I say I will do. The truth is, I am not alone, in fact, only 19 percent of people admit to keeping to their resolutions the entire year.

Is it really that hard for example to say that I will reduce my eating six chapatis at a go down to three from January next year and stick to it?  You see, many of the top New Years resolutions are made by people who will keep them for exactly as long as they are convenient, and the minute the resolutions become a challenge to keep they are dropped like a plague.

I was reading an article in the  Washington Post  which shows that between 40 and 50 percent of people make New Year’s resolutions, but by three months into the New Year, almost half of those have abandoned them. Is it that we’re usually too ambitious with ourselves when making the resolutions or we just can’t supervise ourselves ? Or is it that we set out to do so many things in a limited time, like some of the things could take more than a year but we tie down ourselves to a single year. Remember you’re your own boss in this situation and only You can help You achieve what you set out to do.

The usual resolutions that I keep on repeating every year range from making better financial decisions, living healthily, cultivating healthy relationships, being  kinder to myself and others , working hard in my business and a bunch of other unrealistic stuff. I know majority of them appear on almost everyone’s list of resolutions.

Personally, I am not writing resolutions for this coming year. Am going into the new year open minded with my book and pen. I will be noting down everything good or bad that happens to me and any milestones achieved along the way, then I can review them a the end of the year and see if I achieved anything worth celebrating. Sometimes the resolutions could be limiting yourself from achieving even greater things.

I know no one cares if I’ve set out to lose weight until I lose it that’s when I’ll start getting the complements.

It is definitely in our best interest to stop lying to ourselves when we say we are going to work towards being a better version of ourselves the following year and we don’t work towards that.

My favorite bitter but realistic quote about making resolutions from Eric Zorn;  “Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle”.



About the Author

Sharon Adisa
Sharon is a writer and editor who strives to continually further both the depth and breadth of her skills as a writer so as to contribute superior work and deliver client and customer satisfaction.

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