Are you ambitious, committed and innovative? Is your post-revenue business creating a positive impact in the communities you work in, either through its products or services or business model?
Does your business venture fall into any of these sectors?
- Agribusiness
- Education
- IT/mobile solutions
- Fintech
- Renewable energy
- Construction and affordable housing
- Water & sanitation
- Health
- Manufacturing/processing
- Renewable energy
If yes, consider applying to the 6 months’ GrowthAfrica accelerator programme for hands on support and skills designed to help you scale your venture, make it investment ready and develop your entrepreneurial leadership. The programme consists of a 5-days’ boot camp and then subsequently six 3-days workshops.
After each workshop you will work in-company with the assistance of your mentor, growth catalyst, financial modeller and sages to implement your new strategies and innovations – boosting your growth trajectory in significant ways.
What will it cost you as a venture?
As a venture, you are expected to pay by sharing;
- 1% of your revenue
- 2% of your equity
- 3% of investments raised
The above is only expected if you;
- Double your revenue or
- Triple your profit or
- Help you raise at least USD 250,000
For more information about the programme, FAQs and how to apply, click HERE.
Application opening: 23rd January 2017
Application deadline: Friday, March 12, 2017 – at midnight
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