Equity bank finally launched EazzyBanking, an online banking platform aimed at fulfilling the growing demand for digital banking platforms as well as supporting their customer’s busy lifestyles through innovative technology.
EazzyBanking the new 3.0 suite, features a number of digital products such as Eazzy Pay, Eazzy App, Eazzy Loan, Eazzy bank account and Eazzy Chama. The suite promises to give its customers easy secure, comprehensive digital banking services to Kenyans.
Equity bank who partnered with software mogul Oracle were prompted by the desire by Kenyans to use digital banking platforms .Many of the daily financial transactions carried out on a day to day basis had shifted from the traditional banking models to mobile and equity hopes to satisfy their customers growing and changing needs to suit their lifestyles.
Many business owners are however still reluctant or hesitant to adopt digital banking because they have been successfully managing their businesses using traditional banking services .They have learnt to trust their old modus operandi and taking a leap to the new digital banking platforms scare them .Most of them are mainly concerned with security, web scamming, computer viruses and the safety of their sensitive information across networks.
The small business owners obviously have legitimate concerns, however being diligent about using trusted sites and safe networks, updating the security and antivirus software’s on their mobile devices would minimize the risks that might be involved with digital banking. It is actually considered one of the safest methods of banking by many people.
What digital banking means to small business owners.
The following are some of the major perks a small business owner stands to gain from digital banking platforms such as EazzyBanking.
Time saving
It saves a business owner’s time by reducing the number of trips taken to the bank .Many small business owners have little time to spare, what with their busy schedule and battling traffic, queuing in banks wastes their valuable time. EazzyBanking would allow the owners to make transactions from the convenience of their offices .Unlike banking halls they are also not restricted to time since the platform is 24 hours.
Seamless and fast transactions
This is the most unique business advantages of digital banking .It allows ACH (Automated clearing house) transfers for direct deposits and wire transfers which are immediate and fast. It also allows easy transfers between various accounts be they savings, checking, lines of credit and loans.
Easy to pay bills
Paying bills requires a lot of time, costly checks, envelopes and stamps. Digital banking offers an easy often free, ways in which small business owners would pay bills in easy steps .A person can set up automatic billing systems for paying recurring similar bills or they could easily log into account to specify the amount to be paid for those varying bills.
Account monitoring
It enables small business owners to monitor their account anytime and virtually from anywhere. Business owners handle huge daily transactions and with the traditional banking systems it means calling the banks to check the individual transactions as well as waiting for paper statements to arrive via mail. Digital banking makes it easy to log into accounts and verify transactions on the go.
Anything that makes life easier for a small business owner in a difficult economy is worth considering.
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