What’s your work life really like?

It’s been years since I had a job where I was just going through the motions. Before I started my coaching business, I had a job where my ideas were not only welcome but valued. I was allowed to be myself, people didn’t pull crazy late hours. We were even allowed to go on leave when we wanted – provided we left everything in our team running smoothly while we were away. And the business was extremely profitable – THAT changed my whole perception of what it takes to succeed.

And that’s the beauty of work these days – some employers realise that a conscious workplace is an imperative. It’s the only the way to retain great staff and it’s also the ethical thing to do. Employees aren’t just batteries to use and discard once you’ve done your job.

I’ve been told other inspiring stories, people asking for the same pay but reduced numbers of days – provided they get all their work done. Employers paying for a baby and his nanny to travel with mum so that she can be assured that as she works, her baby is close by and taken care of. The list goes on…

But this isn’t the case in alot of workplaces and you may be someone who still works in an environment that isn’t shifting with the changes in consciousness. Gossip, mistrust, under-handed tactics used to get to the top, bosses who kiss up and kick down (I had a boss like that many years ago – that was hard to take!) and constant politicking. Even worse, you might work in a place where lay-offs are still occurring. Does this sound like your workplace?

It used to be the case that becoming an entrepreneur was “dangerous and sexy”. You were part of an elite minority. But not any more. Now more than ever, it looks like starting your own business is the way to thrive in your work life.

You might be ready to take that leap, ready to give gas to the ideas that have been bubbling in your mind. Or you might not be. Wherever you are, that’s okay. But the important thing to understand is that you no longer have to accept a toxic work experience.

Take responsibility today and decide – make a plan to either leave and finally start your business, make a plan to start saving so you can leave and start a business, make a plan to spend more time focusing on a business you currently work on part-time, make a plan to find a job that you’ll ….there is no end to the tactics you can start to adopt today to change your destiny.

Credit: Cece Ojany



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