Maintaining a strong leader and employee relationship can be the key to the ultimate success of an organisation, the results are advantageous.
It is known that if there are minimal complaints between employees and their leaders, employees will be more productive, more efficient, create less conflict and will be more loyal. Taking this into consideration, is your company operating at its peak performance? Is this because you lack a strong relationship with your employees?
Here’s what’s happening and what you can expect… Companies operate in a constant state of change and all too often, information is withheld from team members until the last minute. This is a huge distraction for employees, who need “real speak” about their futures to be present in their work. Leaders often underestimate employees’ ability to accept “why” if it is shared in an honest way.
If you’re the kind of boss who fails to make genuine connections with your direct reports, take heed: 91% of employees say communication issues can drag executives down.
a survey, employees called out the kind of management offenses that point to a striking lack of emotional intelligence among business leaders, including micromanaging, bullying, narcissism, indecisiveness, and more. In rank order, the following were the top communication issues people said were preventing business leaders from being effective:
The data shows that the vast majority of leaders are not engaging in crucial moments that could help employees see them as trustworthy. This is startling, considering how much money organizations spend conducting employee surveys and reorganizations, engaging consultants and implementing change initiatives.
Effective leaders know that healthy communication requires the energy of connection — with inclusion, recognition, clear directions, meaningful interaction and feedback as the nerve center of the company.
A culture of continual feedback is healthy and nimble. In particular, Millennials want more coaching and feedback than previous generations.
Let me tell you about something I learned the hard way… Smart, capable leaders who know their stuff are well respected, but employees like and trust leaders who are not only smart, but can occasionally lean back and laugh at their own mistakes, and who are generous with what life has taught them.
Don’t be afraid to show that you’re human, too.
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